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My July Favorites

Eeeep, July went by in the blink of any eye. To be honest, I was a whirlwind for me. In spite of the terrible occurrences in our current world, I was able to find a lot of truth, growth, inspiration, adventure, and in turn- harmony.

I dealt with some personal conflicts that catalyzed immense #growth and #selfdiscovery. And, of course, the inner work being un-avoidingly done by us all at this moment in history has obviously pulled aside focus and energy too. But the most beautiful thing I experienced amongst all the raw, goopy, emotional GROWTH that needed to happen, was the #harmony that came afterward. Like when the clouds begin to part, letting sun peak through after a thunderstorm- the rain was cleansing and powerful but the sun was warm and bright.

I felt the #energy that had been pent up and stagnant move through my energy body. I felt thoughts that clouded my mind to #release their grip and flow away into my stream of consciousness. I felt my physical body release tension and embrace stillness. My work life was feeling fluid and effortless which trickled into a peaceful home life with much less stress.

Overall, I felt myself aligning, yet again. Coming back to #center after stretching myself outwards into multiple legs of life. So, since I had received some good feedback from May's favorites, I decided that I would share some of my favorite practices that helped me find harmony over July!


SO- this first one is kindaaaa a big deal for me. I'm excited to share that I am now in training for becoming an EFT & TFT practitioner! I have always been so so fascinated by the body's ability to heal itself through plenty of #holisticmodalities in the past but something about letting your body release the thoughts, emotions, energy, & blocks that are keeping us from remaining in forwarding motion had really started to captivate my interest. For years now, I had wanted to get enrolled into a training program to use this incredible method in my #coaching sessions and after beginning a consistent and powerful tapping practice over the last month, I could no longer ignore the pull and took the leap to add another training into the mix! hey- 2020 is the year of sculpting the life of my dreams!

Here's a tapping I did to help me get OUT OF MY OWN WAY so I could really rev up my happiness and success after I felt the stuff, did the inner work, & needed to get back to business as usual! Trust me- this one and everything that Gala creates is a game-changer.

2. Smoothies

I have always been a big big BIG fan of #smoothies. I don't really love having solids in the morning, my ayurvedic type tells me that something light and liquid is the best way to go! I've found that smoothies help me get all kinds of #nourishment from the start of my day that not only help me feel full & happy but #energized, grounded, & focused throughout the day as well. This is because I love to load my smoothies up with all kinds of delicious superfoods and earth goodies that are known to have amazing health benefits. One of my top favorites is Maca Root Powder!

My all-time favorite smoothie for lazy mornings & post workouts: Chunky Monkey!

Chunky Monkey Smoothie

1 Banana

1 Heaping Tablespoon of Peanut Butter

(Approx.) 2/3 Cup of Plant-Based Milk

1/2 Teaspoon of Maca Powder

1/2 Teaspoon of Spirulina Powder

crush some nuts and drizzle agave on top to make it groovy

3. Galaxies- WRLD x Father Dude (Ark Patrol Remix)

I decided to throw in a song that has been jamming in my speakers a ton lately but also helped me find flow instantly when I decided to pick up my hoop the other day. For those of you who don't already know, I have been a #flowartist for almost 3 years and have been playing with visual art through dance with my hula hoop! Hooping started for me as a hobby to move my body and connect more deeply with the #music I love so much. Quickly, I found out there was so much more happening for me physically, mentally, and spiritually. I've written about the amazing healing benefits of dancing on the blog before, and this article was actually written from the inspiring effects I was noticing when I began letting movement really heal me. There is an incredible release of energy that happens within us when we dance or move, not only physically but spiritually, mentally, & emotionally too. Our spirit or energy body can have "knots" or "kinks" just like our human being #body, our emotions can grab hold of our mood, or thought patterns can get caught in a loop- these are all things that can begin to free up when we MOVE our BODY!

Think of yourself as a body of water, I mean we are mostly made up of the stuff! Now think about how your water is moving, is there a current? Is your body of waters current rushing, bubbling and foaming over? Is your body of water still, filmy and murky from being stagnant? Or maybe your body of water is a trickling stream that flowing, pushing from puddle to puddle in pools formed in rocks. The goal is to let our bodies of water flow effortlessly and fluidly through us. Sometimes people find their emotions, energy, or thoughts to be easily expressed through creative works like painting, but for some, like myself, I find the most healthy and powerful #expression of this pent up energy inside me through dance. (Or hooping!) So, of course, I have to share whenever I get the blessing of finding a song like this. One that brings me right into the flow state, where the thoughts flow seamlessly with my stream of #consciousness, the emotions pour out, my body stretching and making space for fluidity in my bones and muscles.

4. 55x5 Method

I began this incredible manifestation method many moons ago on my #manifestation and self-discovery journey and honestly saw incredible things transpire from it that I just HAD to write about it on here. I wrote about the 3x33 method which is an awesome tool to use with your manifestations to see more rapid and powerful results, however, I wanted to work with a similar method this time that would allow me to truly cultivate a #practice for myself each and every day that would not only bring my intention to life but also transform the way I felt around my intention. I will be writing all about my experience with it so far and how to use it yourself soon, so keep an eye out for that if you're a #manifestingbadass too!

5. full moon ritual

And lastly, my final favorite of the month of July would have to be the incredible ritual I practiced solitarily (you know, real #aquarius style jk jk) enjoying thunderstorms, yoga, bathing myself in the sound of my singing bowl, and more! To check out more about my full moon #ritual, view my Working With: Full Moon Practices article here!

I hope you enjoyed my lil compilation of wonderful goodies from July! Let me know if you tried any of these July Favorites by using the hashtag #TrueSpiritHolistic.

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