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August Favorites

Man! August came and went with the absolute swiftness. I truly was definitely engulfed in the ferocious heat of Leo season, working hard on refining my gifts and sharing my energy outwardly with others I deeply connect with! With the fun and exciting energy of the last month, I have a few treasured things I've accumulated to share with you all..

1. High Vibrational Music

I know I am not the only one who goes straight to that specific playlist when having a low vibe day. When my mood is off, I received bad news, I'm not connecting well with others, or whatever the case may be, it is a sure-fire way for me to tune in and assess how my own #vibration is feeling. What energy is throwing me off or creating blocks keeping my #energy from flowing fluidly and harmoniously?

As you've heard me talk about tons before, #dancing and moving my body with #intention is an amazing way to let myself intuitively release what is no longer serving me but having just the right tune to pair with it can take this experience to a whole new level. I have been accumulating a #highvibe playlist for a while now (maybe I'll share that as next month's favorites!) and let me tell you, there is nothing better than grooving away to #music that was made from a beautiful soul with the intention for healing. Here's one of my all-time favorites for you to jam along with me to!

2. EFT Healthy Skin Tapping

As you may already know, I have been super passionate about my #EFT practices as of late, and as I wrap up my training I am only falling deeper and deeper in love with this amazing healing modality. I can't wait to share this #practice and all of its incredible benefits with you all soon but for now, I'll share with you the amazing practitioners who have supremely made a difference in my energy flow, my #mindset, and believe it or not- my appearance! Check out this EFT Tapping Video for Clear Skin (yes it works, yes it's amazing & I'll be sharing about my #skin journey with a youtube video soon!). The most amazing improvements I truly saw were internal in the way that I felt about my breakouts and overall look, improving my #confidence and cultivating sooo much more self-love!

3. Frankincense

So I have been loving using essential oils in many aspects of my life for years now, but I have gradually compiled a favorite oil list for skin! As someone who has been #allnatural with my skin and #bodycare for over 2 years now, let me tell you- finding the perfect routine and #products for your skin takes time! But it's been so worth it to know I truly trust and receive nourishment & healing from the products I'm using. One of my favorites without a doubt is #Frankincense, much like tea tree, it works to dry out inflamed areas, diminish redness, and clean the broken out area making it a miracle worker for those agitated #pimples that pop up! It also has amazing spiritual #properties like protection, mental clarity, and #attracting abundance which means I've been using this amazing scent double time in diffusers and in manifestation #rituals!

4. Working crystals in different ways

I have been loving using my #crystals as always the past month but throughout August, I decided to get back into some older ways of working with their amazing healing! I began using them to #charge my water and in #elixirs as it's been quite some time since I worked with them in that way! Quartz is wonderful for charging water and amplifying #energy as well as citrine for high vibration #manifesting energy within elixirs. Check out some other fun ways to work with crystals here.

5. Dreamy Tea Blend

I have shared some of my favorite night time practices with you on here before which almost always include a #tea of some kind. Lately, I have been ditching the Lavendar Moon Milk Recipe for something a little more flowery & #herbal. This Dreamy Tea Blend is filled with herbs and flowers known for promoting #relaxation, reducing feelings of #anxiety, inducing #sleep, and stimulating feelings of bliss.

Steep the following herbs & flowers for the perfect Dreamy Tea Blend

Lavender Buds


Hibiscus Leaf

Rose Petals

There you have it, my top 5 favorites from the month of August! Let me know if you tried and loved any of the fun treasure I've mentioned by using the hashtag #TrueSpiritHolistic

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