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  • Writer's pictureKoko

Are you Being a Road Block In Your Own Growth?

Look- we're all guilty of pulling out that phrase at least one time in our life! But here's why I believe that saying "This is me! Take it or leave it!" is actually not only an excuse, but also a road block in expanding who you are as a person.

After time and time again of saying "That's just who I am," we'll (probably) start to recognize the patterns that come a long with it. The broken friendship, the angry boss, the plans that just can't quite seem to ever work out. Instead of understanding our part in the equation and learning about this aspect of ourselves that seems to keep us from different incredible experiences, we use this excuse and let opportunities of self discovery, personal development, and compassion for others slip through our fingers.

If there's one thing I love about this life, it's the endless possibilities to learn and grow as a person. In fact, I make it a point to learn something about myself and how I interact with the world on a daily basis. I do this because not only does it allow me to understand myself better, but to understand OTHERS better too.

We all handle things very differently, because we all have very unique and complex perspectives. By putting up blinders to other's points of view, we keep ourselves from being able to show compassion and from learning how to make better choices or ultimately evolve.

We have the power to be absolutely anything we want to be! We can be brave, we can be curious, we can be compassionate, we can learn to do better for ourselves and others.

Or we can make excuse to say in our same toxic patterns.

But that's just not who you are, is it?


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